Thursday, January 10, 2013

Where There Is Pfeufer...

Thursday Story Strip Day.

Back in November I shared a load of samples of Lariar and Pfeufer's The Bantam Prince, a funny adventure strip from the early fifties. Here is the rest I have from 1953 and 1954. This post is mostly for completion's sake. I know most of you will not read it all, or just gance at a Sunday here and there. And that is okay, I myself couldn't be bothered to get a complete set of Sundays and dailies either. I just picked them up wherever I came across them and now that I have discovered the black post function on Blogger I can finally put them all online at once. Still, it is not a bad strip and Carl Pfeufer as quite an important comic book artist in hs day - drawing most of the Sub-Mariner stoires in the forties. So now you can see what he did after that. Also, I always like to read the endings of strips, which you can do here as well, when the whole thing hhad ran it's course in februari 1954.


  1. Nice. and splitting the Sundays is fine with me. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for all your efforts Ger! I think it's a neat find, I'd never heard of it before! Looks like the Prince went on a diet a some point! I'll have to read these closer when I'm at home. Thanks again!

  3. Love this strip in each of its incarnations. Many Fifties era strips delved into semi-serious storylines, such as Buz Sawyer's pal Roscoe Sweeney when his baby sister was highlighted. Boots and her buddies with sister Pug. Enjoyed this period of comic strip art and storytelling, sans any stereotypical depictions.
