Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Easter Egg

Tuesday Comic Strip Day.

When I showed the Captain Easy Sundays by Walt Scott, I mentioned that he must have left the strip somewhere in 1952, which is when he started his own Sunday only strip The Little People. According to Alan Holtz' American Newspper Comics Captain Easy was taken over by the regular daily artist Leslie Turned in October 1952, so that fits. Scott didn't do a daily version of The Little People, except on special occasions. Having already done a 'free' Christmas strip based on Dicken's A Christmas Carol for NEA in 1950, he did special Christmas and Easter strips for several years using his little characters as well. Here is the 1954 Easter strip.


  1. Thanks for the Easter Bird story. I knew Walt Scott had done Christmas stories,but this was the first time I'd seen an Easter Story. My Grandpa worked with Walt Scott at the NEA Syndicate and I still have many Christmas cards he made for my Mom's family. The Little People is one of my special childhood memories.

  2. Would you share those christmas cards with us, Richard? I have two reasons to ask: I am a huge scott fan and have posts waiting about his editorial cartoons and his often maligned stint on Captain Easy with a full year of his Sundays. I also have a huge amount of his Little People strip. Together they would make for a Great Scot week. The other reason is I am often ask to provide scans to books and magazines and through me your cards would proobably find their way to a larger audience.

  3. Thanks a lot for asking,Mr. Apeldoom. Unfortunately I do not have a computer and am only communicating through a library computer,so I can't really share the cars,as much as I'd like to. It;s great to communicate with others who know of Walt Scott.

  4. Since you do not throw out the idea categorically, let me say that I would would gladly pay for actual copies if you ever find a way to make them.
