Wednesday, October 12, 2016

One Sparling My Fall Makes

Wednesday Illustration Day.

Last week I showed illustration work by Mel Lazerus for the 1953 New York weekly children's magazine Story-A-Day. Or at least what I had of those issues. Today I have a similar lot, by Jack Sparling. Sparling was a capable realistic artist, whose work on the comic strip Hap Happor, I am currently showing on Thursdays. After that I will also share what I have of his second newspaper strip, Claire Voyant. Later in the fifties he did another newspaper strip called Mr. Rumbles. In between he mostly worked for some of the smaller comic ook companies, doing quick and easy work for them, concentrating on volume rather than quality. So it is nice to see him do his best in these children's stories. Like the Sundays from the forties, you can see there is a very capable artist at work here.

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