Thursday, March 16, 2017

Section B

Thursday Story Strip Day.

Mr. Ex was one of the new strips of the Chicago Tribune Comic Book of the forties (their answer to the succes of comics, just like the Spirit section, which started only months later). It was drawn by Bert Whitman but my friend Ken Quattro thinks Bernard Baily assisted or even took over at some point. Now I usually can pick out Baily by the checkered jacked most of his characters wear, but here there is nothing of the sort. Maybe there may be some in the five new color strips I will ad here as soon as I have cleaned them. So enjoy for now and come back later for more. Tere are also a couple when you follow the link.


  1. "their answer to the Spirit section"
    Which came first - the chicken or the egg?
    The Chicago Tribune Comic Book Magazine (March 31, 1940)
    or The Spirit Weekly Comic Book (June 2, 1940)?

  2. ¿Walt Whitman?... or Bert Whitman ;)

  3. Oops, I was just aping other commenters, but you are right, DD! Thet may have know that is was coming, but it would most probably have been in the air.
