Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Wednesday Advertising Day.

These days, most of the ads I scan are accidental, one here and one there while I am scanning other stuff.

The Our Gang ad is interesting because ir spawned a great comic book series by Walt Kelly.

The Pepsi Cops ad is just another one in a longer series, by several artists. this is an early one by the originator Rube Goldberg. If you are a Goldberg fan, I urge you to have a lok for my friend Paul Tumey's upcoming Goldberg book, which has his Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions (by Al Jaffee for Mad) forerunner: Folish Questions.

This one is from a longer series as well, but this time it is a later sample by Bill Williams - who is usually not considered when we come across ads in this style. The style itself was probably set by Dik Browne and Gill Fox imitating Haenigson's Penny. But apparently Bill williams could adapt to it as well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your “heads up” regarding Tumey’s book. For Goldberg fans, in addition to the recent “knock you out” volume The Art of Rube Goldberg (Abrams Comic Arts - New York - 2013) if you can find it there’s the wonderful little book from 1968 - Rube Goldberg vs. The Machine Age (Hastings House - New York) with a whole chapter on “Foolish Questions” such as “Why, hello, Jones - are you still in town?…No-I’m touring Europe in a wheelbarrow!”
