Monday, May 08, 2017

Washington Chiaroscuro

Monday Cartoon Day.

I may have shown some of these 1936/37 political cartoons by Noel Sickles before, but I found a new source for them and just got as many as I could. They show a completely different side to Sickles talent than his work as a comicstrip penciller and inker.


  1. These are wonderful panels! These are probably from, as you are aware, his Ohio State Journal/AP experience from the late ’20’s. For those who haven’t the Caniff biography “Meanwhile…” by R.C. Harvey, Sickle is quoted as saying: “There was always an editorial meeting to pick out a subject, but the content of the cartoon was my responsibility. After the meeting, I returned to my desk and worked out eight to twelve ideas. The first three or four were usually cliches. Ideas you had seen before and the like…I would follow a system. I started by looking at objects around the room. This stimulated me to build the cartoon idea in my mind. A fork might make me see [a labour leader] poking industry with a pitchfork.”

  2. To be more accurate, you can tell by looking at the subject matter of the cartoons, that several if not many of these are actually from well into the 1930's - Sickles was nothing if not prolific.
