Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jigsey Doubble Dooples

Friday Comic Book Day.

A couple of years ago Craig Yoe made a bok collecting the best of Archie's Madhouse. The spoof title (a Mad influenced comic book for kids featuring Archie and his friends) does not feature in Behaving Madly, our new book on Mad magazine imitation because it's a. a comic, b. not in the right time period and c. already colelcted. The bok itself (which I can highly recommend) was a visual inspiration for Behaving Msdly, though. From the borderlines cover (a must for this type of books) to the system used for naming the contributions (one line underneath the first page).

Like on Behaving Madly, Craig could not use every page of the title in the collection. Here are the first 11 pages of one of my favorite early features in Archie's Madhouse, Jughead's Dipsy Doodles. Sounds like something they could reuse on Riverdale with a whole different meaning.

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