Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer Lovin' 1

Monday Summer Special.

I am preparing for my trip to San Diego today. So instead of the usual post, I am giving you daily installments of Lawrence Lariar and John Spranger's Ben Friday. Tomorrow another one. Use the time to look for that favorite artist of yours among my scans (as you have been wanting to for the last few months).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the little known but terrific BEN FRIDAY/BODYGUARD/BANTAM PRINCE, Ger. I think it's John Spranger's best work in comics. Like this strip, Spranger seems to be little recognized except as a ghost for Will Eisner or Jack Cole, but he's even better on his own. He's in a small but select group of artists who could do 'naturalistic' and 'cartoony' at the same time (others are Eisner, Whitney, Everett, Cole and not many more). His SAINT strip,his last work to my knowledge, is more conservative in approach but also very good.
