Thursday, August 10, 2017

Illustrator's Handywork

Wednesday Advertising Day.

An early ad in the illustrator's style, somewhere halfway between Ken Bald and Stan Drake.

ITalking about the illustrator's style, here is a bunch of illustrations from American Weekly, from the same period that Stan Drake illustrated their soap opera serial (whch got him the Heart of JUiet JOnes)> Any one of these guys could have done a great newspaper strip, I they were fast enough and wanted to.


  1. Most of these artists used photographs for reference (at least the second and last samples). The last one even seems to be traced, and not very well at that.

    On another topic, received your book Behaving Madly yesterday. I ordered it from Book Depository as I live in Europe and from Amazon it takes over a month to get here. Plus the shipping is free worldwide from Book Depository, although the book is more expensive there than in Amazon (with no shipping).

    I hope it sells well, as I believe there's enough material to do a second volume, I think.

  2. I think there is at least 100 pages more and even more if we can get some copyright issues solved. That might not be the way to go. There are other ideas lurking in the background that are just as exciting. If you like the book, please leave a review at the place you bought it. It will help convince the publisher to do a second one.
