Friday, September 01, 2017

Is That A Drake I See Before Me?

Friday Comic Book Day.

I recently looked at a couple of issues of Dear Loney Hearts from Comic House publishers at the Digital Comics Museum. Most if the stories here are by Mart Elkin, Goldfarb & Bear and someone called Tewkes and it is all in their vaguely Toth-inspired house style, with the occasional filler by Don Heck thrown in. In #7 was a story that broke this trned and it immediately caught my eye (not only because of the suggested nudity on page 2) was this one by a lot less tight artist. Jim Vadeboncoeur suggests on his notecard at the end it might have been a rare comic book job by Juliet Jones artist Stan Drake. And I see where he got that.


  1. someone should ask Dave Sim, the Stan Drake expert.

  2. Lovely job, whoever did it.

  3. Dave doesn't do internet. I have tried a couple of times through is contacts to get him to look at the months of the Heart of Juliet Jones right after Stan Drake had crashed with Ales Raymond (resulting in Raymond's death, about which Dave is doing a graphic novel) so that he can a. see the great job Bob Lubbers did subbing for Drake, whil he was recovering from the accident and b. how quickly (within a month) Drake was back at the drawing board.
