Monday, April 01, 2024

Filling My Quota

Monday Easter Funny. 

I used to buy a lot of magazines from Ebay (back when cheaper shipping option fro bulk shipping still existed). These day, you can find many of those magainze online on The Internet Archives and elsewehere. I regulary go thorugh them to fill my vaious collections (you can never have too much of Mort Walker, Hank Ketcham or Virgil Partch). Sadky the condition and size of the scans are often very low, even for sharing online. Still, I saw I have a huge lot of them from various sources I have not share dyet. So here are all the Hank Ketcham magazine cartoons I came across over the last few years. Of course, if you want to see more (or better scans) you can follow the link.



  1. Why, oh WHY won't you load images big enough to see clearly? Or READ?

  2. They get big enough to read when I click them. Admittingly, they are not the best images. I am only addint them because they are so rare to find and mostly unseen bij fans. If you click te link, you will find better images, including many I scanned myself. A trick wome once tol me is to down load them on your computer and open them there. Their actual size will be used.
