Sunday, June 18, 2017


Friday Comic Book Day.

In the early eighties Daan Jippes drew the Mickey Mouse Sunday page for a year or so. I got to see them on the back om Micky Mouse Mandad, a comic book sized Dutch monthly. Ever since I have been on aBay I have been looking for hard copies of these page,s but I have never found them. Apparently Mickey was so impopular by then that he hardly appear in any paper, certainly not in the big ones. And even those I can't find anywhere. So what I can show you are some very nice Mickey pages by (as one of my commentors points out) Manuel Gonzales. Now if anyone can find me some of Daan's...


  1. I wonder how Daan found time to do these, plus all those great covers for the comic books when he was working at Disneys at the time in the Story department.

  2. The pages in this post are actually by Manuel Gonzales. From his peak period.
