Friday, June 16, 2017

The Greatest Wexler Of Them All

Thursday Story Strip Day.

Elmer Wexler never did a lot of comic book or comic strip work. For most of his career he worked as a comic strip advertising artist for the bureau of Johnson and Cushing. He was one of the go to guys for their realistic ad series. The other was Craig Fleissel, who was sometimes allowed to sign and who did a lot of comic book and newspaper strip work before and after his ad work, as well as illustrating (and signing) regular pages for the Johnstone and Cushing run newspaper section of the boyscout monthly Boy's Life. But not Wexler. Whatever fame he has comes from his unsigned ads for toothpaste, cereals and hemorrhoid treatments. Most of his other work was before joining Johnstone and Cushing on a regular basis and the best of that was his PM newspaper strip Vic Jordan. I have shown some of the Sundays of this extraordinary war time adventure strip, but recently I also bought a set of not very consecutive dailies. Some day I hope to be able to shown them all.

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