Sunday, July 31, 2016

Funny Haha

Monday Cartoon Day.

One of the best bits of the weekly This Week magazine that was produced out of several parts to be included in Sunday newspapers, was the cartoon feature on the second to last page. Everyone who was anyone ion cartooning was asked to do one, and in many cases returned over the many years this series ran. Here are some I scanned myself from my selection of This Week magazine, with more to come over the next few onths as I am selling of these magazines on EBay.

Filling In The Blanks

Sunday Meskin Measures.

So I have made a list of all known Mort Mesking stories in Headline and taken out all that I have shown before. We're reaching the end but there is till some to go.

Friday, July 29, 2016

A Song For Kelly

Saturday Leftover Day.

A couple of years ago I was in the New York Public Library to do some research. One of the papers I looked at in their microfilm collection was The New York Star which had three months worth of Walt Kelly political cartoons. I am currently scanning them, eventhough the condition isn't very good on most of them. But in the middle of that run, there was also this and it comes over pretty well.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dark Delicacy

Friday Comic Book Day.

This summer I am selling all of my collection of Timely/Atlas war comcis. I have been selling the 70% complete set (compiled ten years ago when I was helping the Atlas Tales website with it's lists) from last year, but the number of war books in the collecion is so big that I am not even halfway through. I am most complete in the early years of the Korean war, 1951/1953, when these books were at their best. Here is a samples from one of the books I sold last week. A great Gene Colan story, that shows the quality of the Atlas books as compared to the war comics done by Quality and DC - most notably that on the while the Quality and DC books are always set during the daytime and for the Atlas books artists such as Russ Heath and Gene Colan were allowed to do dark an dirty work. It also shows one of the problems of Colan's work all through the fifties. Because of his shaded pencil style and his impressionistic inking, many of his stories were hard to color. If tehre is an amateur coloris out there, I would love to provide you with black and white samples of Colan's work that would form a challange but I am sure will look a lot better if it is colored to today's standards.

A Darker Shade

Thursday Story Strip Day.

In the forties Chad Grothkopf did a series Sunday pages called Famous Fiction. I have shown quite a few of these, namely the Alice in Wonderland and Ali Baba adaptation. Those were in a variation of his 'funny' style, which he later simplified to use in comics and for the Howdy Doody newspaper strip as well. But he also had a 'serious' style, whch he used for his earliest comic book work and the Sunday edition of True Comics (where he was only one of many artists contributing). So here is part of a story he did in the serious style. A remarkable artist with a remarkable career.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

All Betts Are On

Wednesday Illustration Day.

I have shown a lot of work by Jack Betts, an American illustrator who worked mainly in advertising comics. He sold a couple of gag illustrations early on and did some illustrating work for weeklies such as This Week and Collier's in the early fifties, but beyond that he spend all of his time at Johnstone and Cushing, vreating some of their most successful series, - like the often imitated Peter Pain ads for Ben Gay and Neddy Nestly for Nestlé instant chocolade milk. His style was similar to that of Bob Bugg and I have no doubt that he would have become one of Hank Ketcham's many assistants in the sixties and seventies or even get his own strip or gag panel if he had survived. Instead, he seems to have died in the late fifties and disappeared from everybody's view. I asked a couple of the remaining artists who worked for Johnstone and Cushing in the late fifties and early sixties (like Neal Adams, Tom Scheuer/Sawyer and Leonard Starr) and none of them even remembered his name. One of the view artists who was allowed to sign his name in his ads, he deserved more.

After sharing a lot of his work, I was contacted by his daughter Joanne. What she told me about her father made for a sad story. He had divorced her mother in the early forties, so she didn't remember much of him after her youngest years. She hinted that he might have had a drinking problem, but didn't come out and say it like that. She did share with me what was told to her about the circumstances of his death. Apparently, somewhere in the second half of the fifties, he was mugged on the street and hurt in such a way that he couldn't really function anymore. He may have lived in some sort of care facility for two years before dying alone and unknown. To not be remembered by his colleagues seems like adding insult to injury.

Over the years since I heard this, I tried and tried to get confirmation of this story. If only for Joanne's sake, who knows nothing else about her father. But I couldn't. No mentions of the mugging, no move to a care facility in official documents, nothing. Also, knowing the artist community and how they love to gossip, it seems to me that if anyone had heard about this, it would have been told and retold in many ways. Look what happened to the story about Alex Raymond's death, or the different tales that were spun about Joe Maneely's tragic death (before Dan Goldberg finally came out and told everyone how his glasses had been in repair that day he fell between two commuter trains after a night on the town with his friends). So ad far as I am concerned the whole story isn't told yet.

Also, there is the problem of dating the story. The latest original work I have of Jack Betts is from 1956, close enough to the sixties for people such as Tom Sawyer and Leonard Starr to have known him. Anyway, if there is anyone out there who can help me find more about Jack Betts, please contact me.

In meantime go and enjoy this one booklet Jack Betts drew outside of his work for advertising comics. It is his one claim to fame, mentioned in various online sources. There were two editions of the propaganda booklet, which may have been quite different. One was from the early war years, to warn people for the dangers of National Socialism and the second one ten years later about Communism. Here is the first one. As soon as I get the other one, I will share it as well.

I am also adding a birthday card for the Betts family, sent to me by Jack Bett's daughter.