Monday Cartoon Day.
Marlene Dietrich
Robert Montgomery
Bing Crosby
W.C. Fields
Cary Grant
Roy Rogers
Ingrid Bergman
Claudette Colbert
Veronica Lake
Betty Hutton
Rita Hayworth
Bob Hope
Paulette Goddard
Bette Davis
Vincent Price
Dorothy Lamour
Frank Sinatra
Martha Steward
Ronald Reagan
Errol Flynn
Brer Fox
George Sanders
Alan Ladd
Lana Turner
Shirley Temple
Johnny Weismuller
Gale Storm
Ray Milland
Syndey Greenstreet
Donald Duck
Jerry Colona
Basil Rathbone
Jack Benny
Maureen o'Hara
Katharyne Hepburn
Charles Boyer
Gabby Hayes
Tim Holt
Mickey Mouse
Olivia de Haviland
Gary Cooper
Bogart and Bacall
Joan Crawford
Gene Kelly
Boris Karloff
Brer Rabbit
Characters from Cinderella
Hedy LaMarr
Burt Langcaster
John Derek
Alice Faye
Ann Rutherford
Sonja Henie
Clark Gable
Deanne Durbin
Danny Kaye
Esther Williams
Carmen Miranda
Walt Disney
and Joan Fontaine
are just some of the Hollywood celebrities pictured in this post. Lets see if that list will bring me extra visitors, although I am sure I will do better if I add the words 'nude' and 'pictures' to the mix.
For many years Seein' Stars by Feg Murray was one of the prettiest things in the Sunday newspaper. It certainly was one of the most interesting non-story features. If I were a movie collector, I'd want one or several of these on my walls. Thankfully, they haven't yet been turned into collector's items, tempting dealers to cut out and frame them. There also was a daily version, of which have several asl well, not only from NewspaperArchive, but also from an issue of Captain George's Whiz-Bang magazine.
I'd love to see someone doing a wegbsite collecting all of them. Which is quite a lot, as this feature ran for over fifteen years from the thirties into the fifties - covering, y the way some of the best years of Hollywood movie making and the start of the television business.

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