Sunday, December 07, 2014

Legal Piracy

Thursday Story Strip Day.

When Milt Caniff announced that he was leaving Terry and the Pirtes to do a new strip for a different syndicate at better conitions, every artist and his dog tried out as his replacement. Surprisingly, not many of those try-out strips survived. I wonder if there ever was a Chicago Tribune Archive and where it went. In my files, tehre is only one and I failed to note where it was fom or who did it. Maybe one of y regular visitors recognizes it? After that two early Sunday by the 'winner' George Wunder, which show why at least graphically he was worth the job.


Arnaud said...

Hi Ger, Isn't the second page (in B/W)by Caniff? It's still in his period and don't see typical Wunder traits (the eyes, slick lines) in it.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

Yes, of coure it is! I put is there as a comparison... ahum...