Thursday, January 25, 2018

That Old Navy Magic

Wednesday Advertising Day.

Some time ago I bought a rare advertising leaflet made by King Features for the new Hank Ketcham newspaper strip Half-Hitch of the late sixties and early seventies. Any strip that was launched got a brochure like this, even the ones that ended up not selling to enough papers. Strangly enough I have only seen five old ones like this (and a who stack of new ones through a magazine I work for two yeras ago). If they were saved, they do not come unto the market a lot. So I am guessing they are pretty rare. If anyone out there has anything like this, please get in touch with me to share. Like I am sharing this one.

Half-Hitch as a funny strip about a very short sailor, based on Ketcham's cartoon series of the same name in the early forties, one of his first big sells to the Saturday Evening Post. I have shared some of the Sundays and dailies (and will share more), but this is how it was presented to the newspapers back when it began.

The art was done by Dick Hodgins Jr. in a Ketcham style that just looked gorgeous. Almost enough to excuse the sexism that permeated this strip, probably already outdated when it started.

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