Saturday, January 12, 2019

Early Call

Saturday Leftover Day.

I have not shown any Beetle Bailey scans in such a long time, that I was shocked at seeing ow many uncleaned one I still had in my office computer. So, lete's do some of the early ones. I plan to keep this up for a couple of weeks, because it is fun to see Mort Walker (and his crew)'s progression. These are all from the second and third year. I know they were also done as three tiers, but I don't think I have ever seen one. Except for the black and white version in one of those great Egmond complete reprint books (where they did ALL of the strips in a series of two year books).


comicstripfan said...

These are one reason the "Fifties" were "Fabulous". The early Beetle Bailey strips are the best!

blog van michel said...

altijd leuk! bedankt!