Friday, February 14, 2020

Silent Cameo

Saturday Leftover Day.

I gone and cleaned up a whole month's worth of Alfred. Alfred was a regular cartoon in Collier's from 1942, by Foster Humphreville. In 1949 the cartoon series topped and on October 17 a daily strip version started in the Milwaukee Journal by Milwaukee artist Carl Ryman. I got most of my information from Alex Jay and Alan Holtz at the Stripper's Guide. They in turn referred to my posting of some of the cartoons here on this blog. Very little is known about these cartoonists or their character or why he looks so much like Alfred Hitchcock. The strip itself is similar to Nancy and Louie, with the main character who acts like he is a silent character in a talking world. Here is the third month.


Larry Rippee and Molly Rea said...

Every time I see these ‘Alfred' strips I wonder about the connection to Foster Humfreville’s ‘Alfred' cartoons in Collier’s.
Humfreville’s name is never associated with the syndicated comic strip, yet ,it is clearly based on his work.

There was a nice collection of Humfeville’s cartoons, “Alfred Ahoy", published in 1944.

blog van michel said...

Funny strips.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

I can't explain the connection either, but the fact that the cartoon series in Collier's stopped the moment the newspaper started is significant.