Saturday, April 11, 2020

To Your Heath

Saturday Leftover Day.

Between 1981 and 1984 industry legend Russ Heath drew the newspaper strip version of The Lobe Ranger, as written by Gary Bates. Impressive, any wya you look at it. At some point a complete reprint was announced, so I stopped gathering thse microfiche copies. But apparently the deal fell through and the book was never published.


jhegenbe said...

Yes, this was probably the last reallllllly great adventure strip. Thanks!

Diego Cordoba said...

Greg Theakston published some of the strips as a comic book for a proposed five-issue mini-series, but stopped at number 1. The book promised by Dynamite was never published, as you mention. The strips you show are, however, from the Sunday thirds version, which leave the top tier out (and are on microfiche, which is simply horrible). I guess it was publsihed in very few newspapers, because I never saw it, although Heath claimed it was the amount of work involved in producing both the dailies and Sundays every week that got the best out of him. Pity, because it would have been great seeing this reprinted, especially since Dynamite bought the rights for the Lone Ranger character.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

I agree that this selection is a poor substitute for the real thing... but for most of us it is the only substitute available. If you and I can't find a good run, who can?