Saturday, May 30, 2020

Suicide Can Be Painless

Saturday Leftover Day.

Only a small lot today. I recently cut up a bound newspaper book of 1944 to take out the newspaper strips and other interesting stuff. Among the finds was a series of ads for Calvert Reserve whiskey by various cartoonists. This type of ads was not very uncommon, but unsually only from large clients in national magazines. This seems to be a smaller operation, but the artists involved are of the same solid mid tier category. Sure there must have been more, I ran a search and found this series ran from February 1943 to May 1947. It was set up by s cartoonist called Wisdom and for the last year it was only filled by Robert Taylor (my least favorite of the artists here). I will try and gather more and add it here. If there is anyone who know who the cartoonist Ely is, I'd love to know. He not only sjhared his name with comic book artist Bill Ely, but has a similar autograph as well.


rodineisilveira said...

Chon Day.
He drew cartoons for two magazines: The Saturday Evening Post and The New Yorker.

rodineisilveira said...

Chon Day also drew cartoons involving golf.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

And so many more... apart from these ads, Day was very visible in newspapers. He drew one gag a week for the daily panel gag series Crack-Up (which also included Virgil Partch). He also did a gag series called Brother Sebastian for Look long before it became a totally different daily cartoon by someone else. I've seen him in 1000 Jokes, Judge, The American Legion and many other magazines.