Sunday, October 03, 2021

Watery Grave

Sunday Al Williamson Surprise. 

Another non-western non-Stan Lee story (from Journey Into Mysrtery #33) that is signed Williamson but seems to have had someone else involved. Was Williamson trying something else or did he have help?



jhegenbe said...

The body postures and gestures in every peopled panel scream Wally Wood pencils to me.

Bosda said...

The text is so small & blurred it is unreadable.

Ger Apeldoorn said...

Unknonw: Not on my browser. One solution could be to download it and read it after opening. But on mt browser, I can not even read it well, but also enlarge it by clicking on it. Are you using a phone? I will check how that works. The file itself is quite large.

Manqueman said...

Re the similarity of Wood and Williamson'sp encils: Both studied under Hogarth at the same and it shows. The similarities are a little hard to tell because of the huge difference in rendering and, more so, inking. So you have to look hard and then voila.