Sunday, January 26, 2025

Fox in the Pen House

Sunday Johnstone and Cushing Day. 

Some time ago I shared some scans from a Johnstone and Cushing produced advertising comic for pertrol stations. I can't recall which oil company company, but the name Richfield, which is mentioned in these strips, doesn't ring a bell. The comic book Under the Hood was produced by Johnstone and Cushing (actually there were two issues) and filled with cartoons and short gags by all of their regular funny artists: Dik Browne, Gil Fox, Sakren, Jack Markow and more. Apparently gil Fox did a comic strip ad for Richfield around the same time, possibly related. They were published once a week, but at various different dates for different papers. Not a lot, but any Fox is Good Fox for me.


1 comment:

lsefton said...

Richfield merged with Atlantic Refining and became ARCO.