Saturday, September 27, 2008

Kurtzman Linings

Saturday Leftover Day.

So here I was on the yearly Dutch comic book convention, getting compliments from everyone for keeping up the daily uploads. And they only thing I could think was, I was missing jmy regular saturday post. So, a day later here is a quick extra. When any artist first encounters Harvey Kurtman's Hey Look, they want to try ir for them selves. These two samples by dutch cartoonist Peter de Wit are from the mid eighties (so they must be from the Dutch weekly Eppo). He also did a four page story which is even more completely and succesully in Kurtzman's style. I'll try to find and show it some day. If you follow the tag, you should find some of Peter's regular work these days (in English too).

If you are an artist and tried something like this yourself, I would like to show it. I think I'll start with Bill Wray.

1 comment:

Ger Apeldoorn said...

So where do I send my Kurtzman imitation drawings? You can either send them to me at or put them on some sort of image site and leave the link here.