Satuday Backlog Day.
Here are the two Leon Winik Jeanie Sundays I should have uploaded Thursday.
The second panel in this strip shows why Winik was nor as good an artist as Fox. Why is the face of the guy blacked out? Where to focus in this panel. And in the first panel the grain on the beam's wood just attracts attention instead of framing the picture, as it would in Fox' work. From May 10 1953:

From May 17 1953:

Color is mind-boggling! Do you know who's the person responsible of it?
I'd like post this in my blog and coment a little the color of the strip.
Thanks in advance, Mr.Apeldoorn-
The color is slightly influenced by my process of turning a full color scan into something represenatble here. But that usually just affects the hues, not the choice of coloring. TUnfortyunately, after almost sixty years the sunday pages have lost some of there brightness adn the paper has browned. Removing the brow leaves me with the slightly less vibrant colors.he greyish blue probably was a bit more blue and the green a bit greener.
Only yesterday I was leafing through an old comic book which contained several Winik-pencilled stories, inked by Ray Osrin.
What a coincidence!
Leon Winik was my Grandfather. I am trying to find and collect comics he worked on so I can give them to my kids. I can be reached at
I think I have everything I have online. First and formost for me, his work on Jeanie as Gil Fox's successor. If I don't have all of his daileis online, I can them on microfiche. I also have some of his Charlton work, I think. I would have to look and see where I ahve it. And didn't he do some work for Timely in the forties as well? I have sold all of those, but you can check them at
I used to have Pete the Panic, a Dennis the Manace imtation he did for Stranley Morse. I think it is on the Digital Comicbook Museum: if you don't already have it.
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