Friday Comic Book Day
Today some more of the ads I wanted to show yesterday. The Peter Pain series was one of the longest running comic strip ads in the Sundays. The character was also used in weekday ads, but as far as I have seen never in a narrative sequence. Here are two ads from 1958, two from 1948 and one from 1947. The 1948 ones are drawn by Jack Betts, the 1947 one probably as well. I don't know if he designed the muscle pain character, but he seems to have been involved from the start. The 1958 ads may or not be by him as well. If so, by that time his style has been streamlined into something barely noticeable. But these things happened.

The last ad is another ad for Dr. Lyons by Mel Graff, who worked in a Milton Caniff style in the forties and developed his own variation in while doing Secret Agent X in the fifties.

Is it just me or does Peter Pain have a little bit of a resemblance to Eric Powell's Goon character?
As far as I can see from your photo it's not you...
do you have further information about Jack Betts? I just met his daughter, she doesn't know where or when he you? she is trying to work on her genealogy, he is a brick wall.
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