Tuesday Story Strip Day.
Two more weeks of Ray Bailey's Tom Corbett. I have at least until the end of 1951, so you can read the complete first story if you follow the tag to find the earlier episodes. The story started slow, but it is starting to get going now. I am still including the sundays even though by now it is obviously clear that the are not in the same continuety. They are more of a stan alone nature along the same lines as the dailies, which makes for a pretty confuding read.

Thanks for posting. I'm a Heinlein and an adventure/scifi comic strip fan so this is great. If you are looking for sources for strips Space Cadet was in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Jan 1952 till it ended. I found some on Google News Archive. ilovecomix also has some issues of a comic book series that reprinted the strips.
The comic book was by a different artist though and not nearly as interesting to me, wxcept for the three later issues by Prize comics, drawn by Mort Meskin. If you follo t tags you'll see some of those. I did not know Google had a newspaper archive as well. I'll look for it.
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