Monday, June 15, 2009

A True Genius

Monday Cartoon Day.

In one of his last interview(for Hogan's Alley) B.C's Johnny Hart told interviewer Richard Marshall that as a beginning cartoonit he wanted to be like Virgil Partch (or VIP, as most of us know him). Although Partch had worked at the cartoon factory of Walt Disney he (like many of his compatriots there, including Walt Kelly) had developed a style all of his own. And that's what Johnny Hart wanted. But I strongly suspect his appreciation for VIP wouldn't have been has as much if he couldn't be histericly funny as well. For ten years from the late forties until the late fifties, Partch's cartoons were the funniest, weirdest and shapesetcartoons around. All in that unique style. After that it al went downhill. The style became unadventurous and the humor domesticated. So here are a couple of caroons from his good period. I have many more, but scanning them is a laborious job and those stacks of True and Saturday Evening Post (two of the magazines he published in frequenty, often havig more than one caroon in an issue) takes up too much space to leave around for a long time. So I do them in spurts.

True May 1949:

True Nov 1951:

True Nov 5 1951:

True Nov 1951:

Partch also was the resident cartoonist for True for many years (starting from the early forties) and as such did al theillustrations for the letters pages. Here he didn't do gags, but just silly drawings to illustrate some point in the letters. These are often more cartoony and (if possible) weird. See what you like best.

True Nov 1952:

True Nov 1952:

True Nov 1952:

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