Monday Extra.
Today, instead of the usual cartoon selection, I am offering a public service, some of Frank Frazetta's Johnny Comet and Ace McCoy strips from 1952. Frazetta died recently at the age of 82. Obituaries are found all ver the web. I had been collecting some of his newspaper strip work, wonderung if I shoudl share it with you. I belive all of Johnny Comet has been collected, maybe even twice. But when the autoracing strip wasn't succesful, the writer was ditched, the name was changed and an attempt was made to turn it into a funny soap opera of some sorts. These strips are from the period of the switch, although I am not wuite sure it the last tiers named Johnny Comit aren't already actually Ace McCoy strips. I quite like Frazetta's funny style, aming this a rare and quirky experiment. Fortunately, this too was not a succes, whoch led to EC and all other good things fro Mr. Frazetta. May he rest in peace.

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