Monday, June 14, 2010


Monday Cartoon Day

Here's another genrerous helping of Virgil Partch' lovable blow-hard Big George. I am prefacing it with another VIP Wheaties ad. Wheaties loved to employ cartoonists and I have shown several of their ads before. I am cloding with a rare VIP cartoon piece from a late forties/early fifties newpaper magazine. This kind of feature was popular then, a collectio of cartoons by one cartoonist. Here Partch proves he is the best cartoonist of his generation. Compared to that, Big George is but a pale reflection of his talent, certainly when it outstayed it's welcome in the seventies and after that. It is said that Partch made these cartoons so quickly and easily, that at the time of his death more than a whole year of them was still unpublished. In the seventies he found another way to handle the fact that he could do two cartoons a day... which I will show in some later post.

March 20 1959:

May 23 1960:

Sept 5 1960:

Jan 8 1961:

March 1 1961:

March 6 1961:

March 7 1961:

May 3 1961:

July 9 1961:

July 10 1961:

July 31 1961:

Aug 15 1961:

Aug 22 1961:

Aug 21 1961:

Oct 3 1961:

Jan 3 1962:

Jan 13 1962:

March 10 1962:

March 15 1964:

April 1 1964:

April 4 1964:

Oct 25 1964:

Sept 11 1966:

Sept 25 1966:

March 28 1980:

Today Philidelphia Enquirer 1950:

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