Saturday, September 03, 2011

Tarzan Stripes

Saturday Leftover Day.

Last Thursday I showed what I believed to be the first full daily Tarzan story by Bob Lubbers. It seems I was wrong. I came across a couple of black and white Sundays by Lubbers from a month before that and upon reseaching the strip I found that he did at least one full daily story and more Sundays from july 1950. Doesn't matter, the work itself remains s beautiful as I mentioned. I still do not have any color samples of the Sundays (except one hand colored Sunday, not very representative). But I had forgotten that I may have a source for these beautiul back and white Sundays (in the Stars and Stripes run on NewspaperArchive) and I hope to be adding those to the story I have already shown and the ones I will be showing.

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