Sunday Spector Special
In the early years of this blog, I showed a ot of material by Irving Spector. He s best know for his cartoon storyboarding in the sixties, but he worked in comics in the forties and fifties. I came across his work when I stumbled on his Sunday only comic strip Coogie, whic was done for thw New York Herald newspaper and syndicate. That inturn led to a contact with his son Paul, who has tried to keep the memory of his father alove with a blog and other activities. He also has boxes full of originals of about half the Coogie pages, which should be put to good use for a complete collection of this charming Pogo like newspaper odity. I ran into Spector again, when I found that he had served with Stan Lee in the Signal Corps in the army and returned to New Yor after the war to do some work for Lee in his comic books. He then turns up again in the fifties with Coogie and after that he did a couple of very funny funny animal books, but there still is a gap for 1947/8. Some sources led me to believe that he had taken an editorial job for Gleason, doing filler pages or at least buying product for them. But I never found any evidence for them. So now I came across two 1947 filer pages that look like his work to me, in Black Terror #18. Black Terror was produced by the company that would later grow into the Standard company, which published all of Sector's mid fifties comic book work. So now I have to go and check all of Nedor/Standard's outut for 1947/8, I guess.
If you are new here and aven't seen the aforementioned Spector material, you might want to use the tag to have a look. It's worth it.

Hm...could be Dan Gordon as well.
I was going to say that both strips have a lot of Dan Gordon in them.
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