Monday, January 16, 2012

Ketcham while They Are Up

Monay Cartoon Day

I recently was alerted to a website that enables me to show all cartoons Hank Ketcham did for Collier's in sequence. He starts out in late 1945 and it takes a while for him to become a regular. In fact, in all of March 1946 I couldn't find him in Collier's at all. Of course he worked for other magazines as well, most notably his Half Hitch feature for the Saturday Evening Post (some of which I have shown earlier) and magazines such as 1000 Jokes. Still, these Collier's cartoons are as good a chance to see the developement of his trademark open style as anything. I have added five cartoons from 1944/45 issues of Laff, which are in an even earlier style and an original taken from ebay from what appears to be that same end of the war period. But in fact it could be from any other period as well. The note on the original says it was for a magazine abbreviated 'J'. I am open to suggestion what that could be. I also added a run of cartoons from 1000 Jokes which are in the same scratchy style he flirted with in the beginning. He tries different ways to capture the openess of his sketches, until finally in the last sample from May we see the Ketcham we know...

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