Every once in a while I go online and clip some stuff and save it until I have enough to share. So here are some of the Hank ketcham cartoons I came across the last few months.
These materials were done by Hank Ketcham, before creating Dennis The Menace in 1951. Nowadays, Dennis The Menace (after the Hank Ketcham's death in 2001) is produced by the two Hank Ketcham's ex-assistants: Marcus Hamilton (in the daily strips) and Ron Ferdinand (in the Sunday pages).
True. I met Marcus Hamilton at a convention in 1996. He had begun drawing some Dennis dailies, unsigned, around then. He got the job after seeing a TV interview with Ketcham, who said he was actively looking for a successor.
That "Discipline" cartoon looks like an early version of Dennis.
Yeah, there are many forerunners of Dennis in Ketcham's cartoon work. There are also many, many other nicely captured characters. Personally, I liked Dennis best when we saw more of his world (barbers, hobo's, rich ladies) which allowed Ketcham to use his awsome powers of observation and caricature. When he started depending on outside writers, he was less motivated by the drawing and more by the limited cast of characters and it because quite bland and repetitive for me. That's when the Sundays and comic books seemed to overtake the strip in popularity.
Rodney, thsnks for the commets on Hi and Lois. I know about their website. Maybe you can ask them to link to me! And while you are at it, I am still looking for someone who eill add a link to my blog to every relevant Wiki page...
I am slowly selling my comics, cartoon and newspaper collection on Ebay. In short, when I am done scanning them and they are on the blog, I no longer need to keep the original paper. If you want to go and have a look what I have on sale now, please go to http://www.ebay.com/sch/gerapeldoorn/m.html?item=152381924308&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562. Prices are low and I combine for shipping.
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I have been doing this blog for over ten years now. I find more and more that it is used by comic book, newspaper strip and cartoon historians as a tool for their research or additional illustrations. And I encourage that. I have larger uncleaned scans for all self scanned images on this blog for those want to use it for their book or article. Just ask and we'll get something going. Family members of artists mentioned here or anyone who is interested in donating scans is encouraged to make contact. By the way, the quickest way to reach me these days is through Facebook.
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I am a Dutch television writer, who has written about comics and television for a number of publications here in Holland and in the US. I love hearing from (forgotten) artists and/or their relatives, so if you are one of those and happen upon this blog, please leave a note.
These materials were done by Hank Ketcham, before creating Dennis The Menace in 1951.
Nowadays, Dennis The Menace (after the Hank Ketcham's death in 2001) is produced by the two Hank Ketcham's ex-assistants: Marcus Hamilton (in the daily strips) and Ron Ferdinand (in the Sunday pages).
True. I met Marcus Hamilton at a convention in 1996. He had begun drawing some Dennis dailies, unsigned, around then. He got the job after seeing a TV interview with Ketcham, who said he was actively looking for a successor.
That "Discipline" cartoon looks like an early version of Dennis.
Yeah, there are many forerunners of Dennis in Ketcham's cartoon work. There are also many, many other nicely captured characters. Personally, I liked Dennis best when we saw more of his world (barbers, hobo's, rich ladies) which allowed Ketcham to use his awsome powers of observation and caricature. When he started depending on outside writers, he was less motivated by the drawing and more by the limited cast of characters and it because quite bland and repetitive for me. That's when the Sundays and comic books seemed to overtake the strip in popularity.
Rodney, thsnks for the commets on Hi and Lois. I know about their website. Maybe you can ask them to link to me! And while you are at it, I am still looking for someone who eill add a link to my blog to every relevant Wiki page...
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