Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Marion

This week I am sharing a Dutch soap opera strip by Jan Wesseling and Thé Tjong-Khing.


Angeline B. Adams said...

Cool! I also see a hint of Jan Kruis drawing realistically - they probably all influenced each other, and it was kind of the style of the '60s.

A bit distracting how the dad looks like my granddad did, including and especially the eyebrows!

Ger Apeldoorn said...

Jan Kruis was a major figure in comics and illustration in the sixties. Because of the similarities between their work, I always assumed he worked with Jan Wesseling a lot. But he didn't. Also, Jan made a strange switch halfway through the sixties. He was doing funny advertising work with Jan van der Voor and Martin Lodewijk and realistic comic work (for Aladin). Then he went to Tintin with Gregor and started on the road toward his famous Jan, Jans and de Kinderen. From that point on, he did funny comics and serious advertising work.