Friday, January 29, 2016

Old News

Wednesday Advertising Day.

One of the advantages of cutting up some of the beautiful newspaper books I bought fifteen years ago is the fact that I am finally able to scan some of the rarer finds in them. Here are three ads from 1941 and 1950 that will probably have never been seen anywhere else. Ralph Stein was a cartoonist and illustrator who did a lot of work for King Features Pictorial Review magazine. He joined Bill Zaboli in the late ffities as the writer/lay-out sketch artist of Popeye in the years before Bud Sagendorf took over the franchise. Stein often did car related illustrations, so it is fitting he was asked to do these ads for Shell oil. The life insurance ad by Noel Sickles is the real rarity here. Sickles was a fenomenal artist, whose black and white line work inspired Milton Caniff and many others in the forties. After the war he turned to illustration, working in a variety of techniques. This is one of the few black and white wash illustrations of his I have ever seen, from a slightly earlier period.

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