Friday, March 18, 2016

The Flessel With The Pepsel

Wednesday Advertising Day.

Like C.C. Beck's Captain Tootsie and Rube Goldberg's Pepsi Cop ad series, Creig Flessel's Adventures of R.C. and Quicky ran in just about every other comic book of the forties. Unlike them, they do not seem to have had a life outside of comics. Evethough I like the art of Craig Flessel, I never actually clipped them because they are hard to classify and I could never be sure which ones I have done and which I haven't. But when I clipped the Fred Kida stories from Boy's Life I shared last week, I also came across black and white versions of these ads by Flessel and they were as sharp as I had ever seen. So here are the ones I could find in Boy's Life (although there probably are manuy, many more).

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