Two miscellaneous bit of Ketchamalia - a newspaper article from 1951 and an ad from 1973 (which he probably did not draw himself).
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Ebay Sales
I am slowly selling my comics, cartoon and newspaper collection on Ebay. In short, when I am done scanning them and they are on the blog, I no longer need to keep the original paper. If you want to go and have a look what I have on sale now, please go to Prices are low and I combine for shipping.
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The Number One Research Site
I have been doing this blog for over ten years now. I find more and more that it is used by comic book, newspaper strip and cartoon historians as a tool for their research or additional illustrations. And I encourage that. I have larger uncleaned scans for all self scanned images on this blog for those want to use it for their book or article. Just ask and we'll get something going. Family members of artists mentioned here or anyone who is interested in donating scans is encouraged to make contact. By the way, the quickest way to reach me these days is through Facebook.
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Getting any of these wonderful books will help me fund this page.
About Me

- Ger Apeldoorn
- I am a Dutch television writer, who has written about comics and television for a number of publications here in Holland and in the US. I love hearing from (forgotten) artists and/or their relatives, so if you are one of those and happen upon this blog, please leave a note.
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newspaper strips
A Boy's Tale
Ace McCoy
Adam Ames
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Angel Face
Apartment 3G
Baby Banter
Badge Guys
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Beetle Bailey
Ben Batsford
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Ben Friday
Betsy and Me
Beyond Mars
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Big George
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Charlie McCarthy
Chip Martin
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Ever Happen To You
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Point of View
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Says Who
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The Trouble Twins
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They'll Do It Every Time
Things To Come
Thirty Paige
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This Man's Army
This and That
Thorn McBride
Thorne McBride
Tillie the Toiler
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Trigger Twins
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Uncle Remus
Van Boring
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Vic Jordan
Want Ad Whoppers
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White Rose
Wild Boy
Wild Rose
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Willie Lumpkin
Willie Woo
Winnie Winkle
Wun Cloo
Yogi Bear
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Zoo's Who
ad strips
barry Noble
newspaper strips
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pictorial review
silent strips
the Heart of Juliet Jones
the Little People
the Saint
the Virtue of Vera Valiant
vera Valiant
for linkaholics
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- The fortress of Fortitude
- The Horrors Of It All
Advertising Strips
"Duke Handy"
American Armed Forces Features
American Visuals
Army manuals
Ben Gay
Betty Bitesize
Bill Schreiber
Billy Baker
Black Brothers
Bless the Mayor
Blockbusters From Oil
Bond Street
Canvas Shoe Ad
Captain Ben Dix
Captain Tootsie
Chase and Sanborn
Chip Martin
Chuck Carson
Colonel Mint
Country Jane
Cream of Wheat
Dr. Lyons
Fearless Fosdick
Fireball Twigg
Ford Times
General Electric
General Motors
Going to Town
Ivory Soap
Jergens Lotion
Johnstone and Cushing
Judge Robbins
Ken-L Rations
Kolynos Ad
Li'll Ivry
Lipton Tea
Little Hemo
Lucky Strike
Madison Avenue Magazine
Main Street
Major Jet
Major Mars
Malcolm the Milkman
Mr. Coffee Nerves
Neddy Nestlé
Parker Quinck
Pepsi Cola Cops
Peter Wheat
Philip Morris
Ponds Cream
Prince Albert
Proctor and Gamble
Quaker Puffed Wheat
Quink Ink
Sal Hepatica
Sam Spade
Smith Brothers
Super Suds
The Trailer Twins
The Trouble Twins
Trigger Twins
Trim Hair Tomic
Wildroot Oil
ad strips
advertising comics
film ad
film ads
ohnstone and Cushing
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