Friday, June 28, 2019

Put That In Your Pipe

Saturday Leftover Day.

Plenty more newspaper strip ads to go. Some of these are from newspaper sections I am currently selling on eBay. Look for my name 'geapelde'.

Camels was one of the longest running series of newspaper ads in the forties and fifties. They are now often accused of trying to sell cigarettes to kids, but that is based on the popular misunderstanding that a. comics are for kids and b. newspaper comics are for kids. That is not the case, certainly not in the forties and fifties. And these ads are not made to appeal to kids, they are for the whole family. So the tabacco industry did ads to sell cigarettes to the whole family. Which is bad enough.

As a contrast, here is a cigarette ad (and character) that was aimed at kids. He even got a comic book of his own.

And here is one that sort of sits in between. The art probably is by kids and teenage comic artist Bill Williams.

Here's one where they shamelessly tried to get kids to smoke pipe tabacco.

And since I seem to be doing cigarettes today, here are two more ads of one of the best series ever, by Lou Fine. Look out, though. They are numbered, so very addictive for collectors like me. I have about 60% of them and won't stop until I have them all.

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