Sunday, November 17, 2019

Bumper Crop

Sunday Seen Somewhere Before Day.

Over the years I have shown as many samples of Gill Fox' Bumper to Bumper strip as possible. This funny and delightlfully drawn strip was exclusive to the New York Sunday News and was used whever there was room. Gill Fox (like a couple of other filler cartoonists) dropped off a couple every year and there is no rhyme or reason to which dates they were used. A complete list was never made and would be hard to compile unless you have a complete set of Sundays. Luckily, my friend Michael Vassello is slowly getting there ánd he is scanning everything. So I gues at some point we may end up with every strip done between 1956 and 1963 or 1964. An additional problem Michael discovered is the fcat that there are differences between the city and country editions of the paper, which as you can see here sometimes led to the same strip being used on different dates.

Here at least are all the ones I have gathered over the years - plus three new ones.

January 8 1956

November 11 1956:

January 27 1957

February 10 1957 (same strip, maybe from another edition)

April 14 1957

May 19 1957

June 9 1957

December 15 1957



May 11 1958

May 18 1958

January 25 1959

April 12 1959

July 7 1959

Sept 20 1959

November 29 1959

Februari 14 1960:

March 12 1961

July 23 1961

August 13 1961

November 5 1961:

Februay 11 1962

February 25 1962

April 15 1962

April 29 1962

May 13 1962

July 30 1963

November 10 1963:

Dates unknown

March 30 19??

June 29 195?


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