Wednesday Advertising Day.
I am not sure when the Pfigure of Mr. Coffe Nerves was introduced and who designed him, but it seems he predates the ads that were drawn by Noel Sickles and Milron Caniff under the pseudonym Paul Arthur. When they stopped doing their version in 1937, the character disappeared. He waas given a new look (and a cool new jetpack) when he returned after the war. This version ran for quite a few years as well, with some samples turning up in 1950. I am getting more and more convinced that Leonard Starr was involved. As he is still alive, maybe we can get him to have a look at these some day.




March 7 1948:

April 11 1948:

Aug 28 1948:

Feb 5 1950:

March 19 1950:

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