Saturday Leftover Day.

I am glad Fantagraphic has anounced the publication of a complete Pogo in color and black and white. While I think it is a shame that every reprint series starts at the begining of this strip (the main reason I never bought any of Fantagraphics' previous Pogo reprints), I will certinly be buying thi one because t is a. complete and b. has the earlest Sundays, most of which I have never seen. I do have quite a good selection of Sunday sheets and copies from Pogo Sunday pages all through the fifties, but none of the first few years, so that will be a treat. I hope and trust thye will use the three tier half page format, which has an exra panel compared to the tabloid version.
Still, when I joined Newspaperarchive, the first thing I looked for were the Pogo srips of 1966. After a couple of years of lackluster work, especially in the Sundays, Kelly revitalized the strip with a yearlong sequence about Pogo and Albert's trip to a pre-historic valley. Pogo had traveled to 'Mars' before and it always turned out to be another corner of the earth. But this time there really were dinosaures and sabre-tigers and lots of other things Kelly liked to draw. Very little of this sequence was ever reprinted, apart from an abridged version in Prehisterical Pogo, one of the most rare of the Pogo reprint books.
Over the last year I have gathered quite a few Sunday pages from this period ad I will show them here together with the missing ones in black and white from Newspaperarchive. I don't think I'll add the dailies, though. That is too much work and I think there should be a proper reprint. And hopefully it with not be the sixteenth in the Fantagraphics series.
Today I am showing you a short sequence from 1966, where you can see Walt Kelly getting back into shape. It featured a very cute elephant.
After that I am sharing two of the early Pogo's which Fantagraphics will be reprinting in their series. I hope it will be sooner rather than later.
May 30 1966:

June 1 1966:

June 2 1966:

June 3 1966:

June 4 1966:

June 5 1966:

June 6 1966:

June 7 1966:

June 8 1966:

June 9 1966:

June 10 1966:

June 11 1966:

June 12 1966:

Feb 19 1950:

Dec 16 1951:

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