Saturday Leftover Day.
I want to go on to other artists for my comic book day, but i keep coming arcross interesting Meskin pages, I want to share as well. Here are hree more early DC pages, which have always been hard to find and collect. That's to the internet, they are now easier to find.
Meskin has often been called an artist who was not very well at doing action sequences. But just have a look at the opening pages of the first story and see how cinematic they are. Just because Meskin was good at mood and talking heads, doesn't mean he couldn't do the other thing.
The last story (from the often forgotten title Unexpected) has the same impressionistic quality as yesterday's story. It is moody and claustrofibic and is full of remarkable drawing and inking tricks.
I was think who else works like this these days. I know from my logs that I sometimes get artists or inkers visiting here and i would love to hear their comments on Meskin's art. But the one artist I really would like to hear from is Klaus Janson. I had the pleasure of sitting next to him and talking to him for a whole evening, when he visited a Dutch comic convention in the nineties. I worked for the publisher who had invited him and we all had a nice dinner together after the first day of the convention. I think his style and approach to drawing and inking is quite similar to that of Meskin and I would love to know what he (as a (former?) teacher at the New York School of Visual Arts) would have to say about it. Hell of a nice guy, too.
House of Secrets #14:

House of Secrets #18:

Unexpected #16:

Ger - Wonderful stories of some very underappreciated Meskin work. BTW, this is a great site -- I have seen may great stories and strips from the 50's that I have never seen anywhere else!
I am a huge fan of 50's Sci-Fi, Moreira, Meskin and Cameron being my favorite artist of that era. If you ever need scans of anything from that era, let me know and I will be most happy to help out.
Bill, welcome. I hope you saw my Cameron post. I think I should at some point find a good Caeron horror story to use against that. have some of his later work for atlas, but if yiu have suggestion I's be glad to hear it.
Hi Ger,
One of the best Cameron DC story and cover is from Tales of the Unexpected #24 (April '58) "The Jungle Boy from Jupiter". Let me know if you need a scan.
Also, I'm sure you saw the recent Alter-Ego 2 part interview with Lou -- he is quite a character! And congrats on your recent AE article on MAD knock-offs. Great Stuff!
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