Sunday Quick Fix
I am not completely sure if today's Johnny Quick is by Mort Meskin. By that time he had stopped signing his stories, so we are fully dependent on art spotting clues. But if it is his, it's a pretty uninspired job. The splash page is dull and the figures are stiff, but there are a couple of typical Meskin moments, such as the face of the guy getting punched on the second panel of page nine.
From Adventure Comics #114:

Thank you so much for posting the Meskin stuff. I have always wanted to see it. Steranko made me want to see more Meskin in his history of comics. Wouldn't it make a great website to combine text like the history of comics with extensive scans like you are furnishing to us who read your blog?
Come visit, I have new stuff on my blog.
Sterank's books are still a valuable source of information. How great would it be if he did a site as you mentioned and added his third book, which apparently was written but never published? If anyone meets him, why notjust ask him?
Hi Ger,
I'm pretty positive there is absolutely no Meskin on those pages. The figures are completely lacking in Mort's grace. Also speed lines rather than multiple figures, and fairly pedestrian page design.
Fun to compare though. Thanks for posting.
Hi Ger,
I'm pretty positive there is absolutely no Meskin on those pages. The figures are completely lacking in Mort's grace. Also speed lines rather than multiple figures, and fairly pedestrian page design.
Fun to compare though. Thanks for posting.
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