Saturday, February 06, 2010

Unknown But Not Unloved

Friday Comic Book Day.

A bit late, because the airline left my bags in Paris. But Now that I have them, I can pulish my preprepared post.

I've been enthusing about Timely/Atlas for so many times here, I think it's time for me to show some more of it. Uncanny Tales was one of their most interesting horror titles. It had lots of Stan Lee stories, art by all the regulars and a lot of very interesting art by some lesser known talents. Here is a whole book full of artists you don't normally associate with Timely of Stan Lee, but who al did quite a bit of work for him anyway. The cover is by Russ Heath, although the signature is hard to find.

I have cut this book in two, cleverly forcing you to come back next week for more.

The first story is by Paul Hodge, who did a handful of stories for the war, cowboy and horror books between July 1954 and August 1956.

Bob McCarty worked for several companies. His style is usually quite easy to pick out, especially the craed look of his protagonists. But here is is much more muted, though equally recognizable once you see it.

Next friday Bob Forgione, Shelly Moldoff and Mort Lawrence.

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