Wednesday Advertising Day.
To go with the Hi and Lois strips from yesterday, here are some more ads that I believe were done by Browne.
From True, May 18 1949:

Jan 16 1949 (in his earlier style, the same he used for designing the Chiquita Girl):

From Life Oct 22 1951:

From March 2 1952:

From March 8 1959 (a bit late for Browne, but the money must have been good):

From March 22:

From July 5 1959 (a two week frequency was normal on these type of ads, so there should be more):

I recently found a 1952 book illustrated by Dik Browne, which I will share soon. In the meantime, if anyone has this advertising comic book, please get in touch so I can show th insides as well.

Thanks for the great posts of Dik Browne art! Has there been any collections of his stuff published?
Seems worthy to me!
I think some of it was used in the Best of Hi and Lois book from Brain Walker. But I agree, a book on the art of Dik Browne would be welcome. My guess is the family still has a lot of stuff. At least, a book on the art of advertising firm Johnstone and Cushing would be great.
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