Friday Comic Book Day

Craig Yoe has carved himself a nice niche as collector and editor of books reprinting the best of old (and often copyright free, but not always) comics. He has asked several of his favorite bloggers to use today to present some of the stories from his latest book (cover below) on Felix the Cat. I am glad to join in. For more information, go to Craig's own blog, the Super-ITCH site you can link to on the far right.

The new Felix book is as well designed as all of Craig's books, who clearly knows how to package and present these things.
As a teenager I was very much intrigued by Sergio Aragones' shortlived The Shadow Knows series in Mad magazine and Gaham Wilson's similar series of cartoon using shadows. I confess to practising for many hours to create my own shading figures using nothint but my hand. In the end, I perfected two: blob with fingers and blob without fingers.

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