Saturday, June 11, 2011

Side by Side

Saturday Leftover Day.

Regular visitors will know my admiration for the work of the forgotten artist Ray Bailey. Especially his work on the newspaper strip Tom Corbett. But he did a lot of comic book stories as well, many of which have yet to be identified. Fortunately, we know which companies he wrked for, so it is possible to hunt for them. Here are a single filler page he did for My Favorite Martian #2 (noted in the GCD, I have to add) and an unsigned story for Harvey's Love Problems and Advice #12. For a long time his work was seen as some sort of off kilter Lee Elias, since both artists base their style on that of Milt Caniff. But Ray Bailey's male heroes look even more like Steve Canyon (especially from the side) than Elias' and his women are more vampy than Elias' dressed up children. For comparison I have included the Elias cover of the same issue.

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