Monday, October 17, 2011

The Bees Knees

Monday Cartoon Day.

Over the years there have been many Sunday features that were in fact no more than a collection of cartoons. Arnold Roth had Poor Arnold's Almanac and Gaham Wilson had a short run at it in the seventies. Bill Keane made a living out of it with Silly Philly, Channel Chuckles and finally The Family Circle. Lesser know is John Stees, who may have eventually done a daily panel as well, but for these Sundays he always created thematic groups of cartoons, making it almost like a Mad magazine article. Stees was the political cartoonist for the Baltimore Evening Sun, but he branched out in these sort of gags. A forgotten cartoonist of none to little charms.

The color sample I am showing came from the ilovecomix archives. In the past, they have collecte stuff from my page (always with asking for permission) so I hope they won't mind me taking one back.

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