Monday, January 28, 2013

Thank Heavens For Michael Berry

Monday Cartoon Day.

Michael Berry was a respected cartoonist in the forties and fifties. Although he worked for all major magaiznes, his love for pretty girls got him a regular place at Esquire, where he fitted right in with the pin-up styles of his collegues. In the fifties, pin-ups were less in fashion and he shifted to the Humorama books with slightly racier stuff and got a regular position as cartoonist and frequent cover illustrator for The Sunday Pictorial Review. In fact, I have a huge lot of those which I might scan and share at a later date. When Playboy came, he immeadiately joined them, although his style and his girls may have been a bit too old-fashioned. Very little is known about him, not even when he died. I must have a newspaper strip he did, which I will dig out for tomorrow.

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